Horsebridge is a hamlet in the Sydenham Damerel parish, West Devon district, Devon, England in the Tamar Valley. The village of Horsebridge takes its name from the bridge 'Horse Bridge' and is situated just north (but right next to) the bridge. The village is situated on the east bank of the river Tamar. The river Tamar forms part of the boundary between the counties of Devon and Cornwall. Horsebridge is also a crossing point over the river Tamar. The Royal Inn, a pub in the village, claims that its building was formerly a nunnery.

The Bridge is a traditional stone bridge and was built here in 1437. It is one of the earliest crossing points over the river Tamar. The Bridge was the lowest(most southerly)crossing point across the river Tamar, until another bridge was built in Gunnislake circa 1520. Horsebridge (the two words 'Horse' and 'Bridge' are often combined to be the same as the village name) allowed travellers to cross between the two counties of Devon and Cornwall. The bridge became a Grade I listed monument in 1952, and was reputedly built by French Benedictine monks, who then went on to build the nunnery.

The Tamara Coast to Coast path, an 87 miles (140km) walking/hiking route (which opened in 2023), passes over Horse Bridge (Horsebridge) and through the village of the same name (Stage 4: Gunnislake to Lifton).

The nearest towns are Callington in Cornwall (4 miles) and Tavistock in Devon (5 miles). The bridge sits between the two parishes of Stoke Climsland and Sydenham Damerel.



The building or site itself may lie within the boundary of more than one authority.

District:Cornwall (Unitary Authority)

Parish:St. Ive and Pensilva

National Grid Reference:SX 34330 67384

Reasons for Designation

Slight univallate hillforts are defined as enclosures of various shapes, generally between 1ha and 10ha in size, situated on or close to hilltops and defined by a single line of earthworks, the scale of which is relatively small. They date to between the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age (eighth - fifth centuries BC), the majority being used for 150 to 200 years prior to their abandonment or reconstruction. Slight univallate hillforts have generally been interpreted as stock enclosures, redistribution centres, places of refuge and permanent settlements. The earthworks generally include a rampart, narrow level berm, external ditch and counterscarp bank, while access to the interior is usually provided by two entrances comprising either simple gaps in the earthwork or an inturned rampart. Postholes revealed by excavation indicate the occasional presence of portal gateways while more elaborate features like overlapping ramparts and outworks are limited to only a few examples. Internal features included timber or stone round houses; large storage pits and hearths; scattered postholes, stakeholes and gullies; and square or rectangular buildings supported by four to six posts, often represented by postholes, and interpreted as raised granaries. Slight univallate hillforts are rare with around 150 examples recorded nationally. They are important for understanding the transition between Bronze Age and Iron Age communities. The slight univallate hillfort called Cadson Bury survives well and will contain archaeological and environmental evidence relating to its construction, function, social organisation, territorial significance, trade, agricultural practices, domestic arrangements and overall landscape context.


The monument includes a slight univallate hillfort, situated at and enclosing the summit of a prominent and very steep sided hill called Cadson Bury Down, overlooking the valley of the River Lynher. The hillfort survives as an oval enclosure measuring approximately 275m long by 170m wide internally defined by a single rampart of up to 2m high internally with outer ditch of up to 1.3m deep. The interior of the hillfort is largely level and occupies a commanding defensive position. There are two inturned entrances to the east and west and a southern staggered breach may also be an original third entrance. Cadsonbury was first recorded in the 13th century, and its earliest depiction was on Martyn's map of 1748. It was described by Lysons in 1814.

Sources: HER:- PastScape Monument No:-436704

St. Germans in Keltic Times
It is generally accepted that St. Germans takes its name from Saint Germanus, who was Bishop of Auxerre, and who lived from 380 to 448. Germanus was a Gallo-Roman who was educated as a lawyer in Rome, and, who, until his consecration as Bishop by Bishop Amatre, in 418, was an administrator in his home province. His fame as a Bishop spread because of his devotion and zeal in the opposing of Pelagianism, the current heresy, and his fight against Pelagianism brought him several times to these shores. Whether or not he ever visited this corner of Cornwall it is hard to say, and there is little historical evidence to support it, though with several churches dedicated to his name, it is not impossible that he should have sojourned here en route from Gaul on his missionary journeys as a champion of Orthodoxy. The geographical nature of St. Germans must have marked it out as a place for human habitation from a very early date, and in Keltic times there most certainly would have been a village on the site, the large hill behind, known as Colgear Hill, acting as a protection against pirates whoinfested the Cornish estuaries. The name Colgear, originally Kilgear, contains the word ‘Caer’, which means a fortress. With the tidal river as a useful means of communication there well could have been an enclosed fortified Keltic village. Christianity for the most part had come to these people from the great missionary centre of Wales and Ireland, and many saints on their journeys from those places to the new colony in Brittany passed across Cornwall, and left their names behind them. A fine example of this is St. Winwallo, one of the most famous Saints of Brittany who founded an abbey near Brest, is revered with several shrines in Cornwall and Devon. One of these being a chapel in the south part of the parish of St. Germans, a place now called St. Winnols. The adjacent farm is called Eglaroose, in ancient days was called Eglos-Rose meaning ‘the chapel on the promontory’, showing that in Keltic times St. Winwallo’s Chapel was an independent church, the foundation of which was probably older than St. Germans itself, but although maintained as a chapel of ease by the Priory until the Reformation not a stone now remains. Cornwall does not seem to have been subdued by the West Saxons
until about 830 in the reign of Egbert. Before that the Cornish Church managed its own affairs without reference to the Saxon Church established by St. Augustine. This church in Cornwall was essentially monastic and all the principal churches were monasteries, wherein the Bishops were the Abbots or else subordinate to them. Amongst these we may be fairly certain that one was to be found at St. Germans, though it is curious that the old Keltic name of St. Germans (if it ever had one) has not survived.

The place name Cell iwic occurs not only in the Arthurian legend but also, as the variant Caellwig in later Cornish history and is therefore certainly an area of the county and probably one of the Moorland. Although its site is in dispute, the signs are that It will eventually be permitted to settle where it already hovers between the hill forts of Killybury and Canyke-by-Callywith, that is in the Camel Valley. And this could be to the dismay of sceptics for Camlan also seems to fit this district. Charters clearly demonstrate that the present misnomer A| len, by which the Rivoi Camel's tributary is known instead of by its correct name Laine, originally applied to the Camel itself and was accurately rendered ALAN . As this River Alan or Camel twisted and turned, the Cornish epithet 'cam' meaning 'crooked' apparently prefixed not only the word 'heyle' meaning 'estuary' but also on occasion the name Alan. Thus, it would seem that the present name Camel is a corruption of one or both of the Cornish names for this river - Camheyle and CAM ALAN. ° It might therefore be interesting to seek the required conditions in the Camel Valley. Of six known stones in Cornwall which are inscribed in the Irish script copiprising unconnected strokes and called Ogham, five are on Bodmin Moor and three of these in the Camel area. Should the sixth seem curiously remote from the others at Truro, we may be forgiven for remembering that one of Arthur's reputed battle sites was on the 'River Treuroit . However and regarding names on the three Camel Ogham stones, that at St.Endellion-which also bears the early Christian Chi Rho symbol, 'X P‘,the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ - commemorates 'Brocagnus', identified^with the Irishman Brychan who arrived in Cornwall via Wales. Both names on the WorthyvaleOgham stone are Roman as is the one on the St. Kew memorial . x  An Irish incursion is certainly evident as is also a lingering Roman usage. The latter is hardly surprising in an area where Roman road stones at Boscastle and Tintagell and a 'camp of the legion' at Tregear have been found. Moreover, even AFTER the Roman cavalry station at Nanstallon meaning 'Vale of Alan' was abandoned, it is apparent that agents of Rome used the most accessible route to and from England across this north coast district at least as late as the fourth century when the Tintagel stone was inscribed. Ami,
as some 300 years of contact with Roman custom appears to have influenced the local

For the group of miners whom Stevenson encountered , the process of partial absorption or assimilation had not even begun. It was perfectly natural, in this period of transition in particular, that they should keep together; for they had much in common, and not least the calling which they and their ancestors had followed for centuries. A pity that R.L.S. could not have overheard the talk among those up rooted men instead of having had to make a guess about its nature. More than likely it consisted not at all of “the secrets of their old-world mysterious race”—unless these be construed as the technicalities and adventures of tin and copper mining—but of simple and wistful evocations of the Cornish scene, which had become for them a precious memory since they had seen through the darkness far astern the last faint gleam of the Lizard light.
The fact remains that Stevenson was not favourably impressed. “Lady Hester Stanhope,” he wrote, “believed that she could make something great of the Cornish; for my part , I can make nothing of them at all. A division of races, older and more original than that of Babel, keeps this close, esoteric family apart from neighbouring Englishmen. Not even a Red Indian seems more foreign in my eyes. This is one of the lessons of travel—that some of the strangest races dwell next door to you at home . ”So far as I know , Stevenson was the only man of his times, Or any other, to have left on record a flat confession of failure to make anything at all of the Cornish; and I cannot help thinking that the Cornish may have been less responsible for Stevenson’s failure than he was himself, with his preconceived notion of race division—real enough in its way, it is
true, but easily bridged by a person with that imaginative sympathy which is among the predominant characteristics of the Keltic peoples and which, in much of his writing ,Stevenson displayed.
A very different impression might have been left upon R.L.S. if his contacts with Cornish miners had been in circumstances which brought out their real qualities; if, for example, he had sailed fifty years earlier from Falmouth in the brig Cambria and had had as fellow-passengers Cornish miners bound for the Mexican mines. On a boisterous March

from Highways and biways 1907


I said in my last chapter that all the greatest sea traditions of Cornwall are locked up in Fowey. I might have gone somewhat further; for indeed there was a time when this Cornish harbour led the kingdom in matters of seamanship, and not London, nor Plymouth, nor Dartmouth, nor even Yarmouth, nor any one among the privileged Cinque Ports could furnish such a gallant fleet or sailors so well used to speak with England’s enemies in the gate. For the town sent to the fleet which Edward III. collected for the siege of Calais the majestic contribution of forty-seven ships and no less than 770 men. Yarmouth sent forty-three, Dartmouth thirty-two, London twentyfive. No other port than Yarmouth approached the Cornish contribution. This is quite enough to show that in the past history of Fowey there lies some story well worth telling, some long
maturing greatness, some steady growth fostered by wise counsels and guided by the hands of prudent governors. Consider what is involved in the capacity to furnish and equip so large a fleet. Grant that they were not all Fowey ships, which is likely enough, for Fowey may have been in some degree a rendezvous for the adjoining coast. Yet making all deductions, enough remains to show that Fowey was a great and mighty town, far different relatively to the rest of England from its present lowly condition. And what was it then that checked the growth of a town so splendid, and thrust it back on insignificance ? Why, very largely the weak or timid counsels of an
English king, who broke the strongest weapon he possessed, and tossed away the splinters chiefly to gratify a foreign sovereign.
But before entering on this story look round Fowey, and see what manner of place it is. Fowey. The first thing which strikes a stranger coming to Fowey from the east is its singular similarity to Dartmouth. Here is the same deep harbour, fenced round by lofty h ills; the same narrow entrance guarded by twin towers, and once closed nightly by a chain ; the same winding river, flowing down a channel no less lovely than the Dart, from a town as beautiful and ancient as Totnes; the same little rival town on the hillside across the


The  Throne of Cornwall  " "gorsedd Cernyw" 

It is mentioned in the Welsh tale Culhwch and Olwen which may date from the 11th century. The story describes the court as being at Celliwig in Cernyw the Welsh name for Cornwall, otherwise known as the kingdom of Dumnonia including modern Devon. Three Tribal Thrones of the Island of Britain" and locate one of his courts at Celliwig:"Arthur as Chief Prince in Celliwig in Cernyw, and Bishop Bytwini as Chief Bishop, and Caradog Freichfras as Chief Elder." Caradoc was his chief elder at this court and that Bishop Bytwini or Bedwin was chief bishop. This is one of the early triads found in Penarth  reflecting information recorded before Geoffrey of Monmouth.

The same triad goes on to say Arthur's other courts were at Mynyw and Pen Rhionydd. The triads also state that at Celliwig Mordred struck Gwenhwyfar a blow . This may have led to the Battle of Camlann .The early Welsh poem Pagŵr yw'r porthor may also Arthur is a mythic figure also suggest this court is entirely fictional . Given the name means " forest grove... it may have originally been envisaged as somewhere Otherworldly sacred groves being common in Celtic myth and only later might a specific location have been ascribed to it . "mention the court. Celliwig was also known to the Cornish as well , as it appears as Kyllywyc in the Cornish-language play Beunans Ke, written perhaps around 1500. In the Iolo Manuscripts (1843) a corpus of pseudo-medieval Welsh texts by the renowned literary forger and inventor of tradition Iolo Morganwg (1747–1826), Celliwig is referred as the former site of the " throne of Cornwall " but the text adds that it is now at Caervynyddawg (Caerfynyddog), a site which is otherwise unattested . A 1302 Cornish legal record mentions a 'Thomas de Kellewik' from west Cornwall , though his exact place of origin is unknown. Celliwig was identified by some Cornish antiquaries from 1816 onwards with Callington , occasionally locally attested as  'Callywith'  where the ancient monuments of Castlewich Henge and Cadson Bury ringfort are in close proximity . Their influence gave Callington its modern name in Common Cornish ; Kelly Bray ,  Cornish : Kellibregh ' is located just to the north.

Full description ; Fox, A., 1951, Eighteenth Report on the Archaeology and Early History of Devon, 37 (Article in Serial). SDV15558.

A stone axe was found on the surface in Clovelly Dykes hill-fort. The Stone Axe Co report that it is a sheared tremolite, with chlorite and ilmenite, originally probably from the greenstone of Balstone Down, near Callington, Cornwall. 12 other axes of this rock, forming group 4 of the committee's classification, are known from sites in Devon, Cornwall, Somerset.

Stone, J. F. S. + Wallis, F. S., 1951, Untitled Source, 113 (Article in Serial). SDV15561.

Celliwic as a fictional place
Those who argue that

And this murdered King is by tradition also connected with another fortress roughly mid-way between Duloe and Roche - which are south of the Bodmin and Goss Moors respectivelyfor the field in which stands Castle Dore was called Carhurles meaning 'Gorlas's fortress'. It therefore seems that the chieftain could have preceded King Mark of the Tristan saga at this earthwork which is known to have been re-occupied in Gorlas's time having been abandoned during the Roman period .  Assuming that the traditional link between the Arthurian and Tristan sagas could be factual and that King Mark DID succeed GORLAS and hold this southern territory by the sixth century,

not only must Arthur's domain of Camlan,the oldest form of Camelot,and his stronghold Celliwic be sought elsewhere but the suggested area should be required to fulfil certain conditions in order to present itself a feasible proposition. As Arthurian events would have taken place slightly before those of the Tristan saga , an Irish incursion should be in evidence for the saga's prologue depicts the Cornish at loggerheads with Irish intruders ; and a known Roman cavalry tradition is imperative if we are to believe that the proposed area could produce a horse-borne, armour-clad warrior together with a Carlyon meaning ' camp of the legion' with which he was reputedly associated .Moreover, the suggested district might the more convincingly offer itself were it adjacent to the easiest route out of Cornwall to facilitate movement up-country to a site where the Battle of Badon  halted a seeming English advance westward.


we should seek an Avalon for the dying King.

The place name Celliwic occurs not only in the Arthurian legend but also,

as the variant Caellwig*

in later Cornish history and is therefore certainly an area of the county and probably one of the Moorland.

Although its site is in dispute,

the signs are that It will eventually be permitted to settle where it already hovers between the hill forts of
96 35 32. 2

and Canyke-by-Callywith,

that is in the Camel Valley.

And this could be to the dismay of sceptics for Camlan also seems to fit this district. 
Charters clearly demonstrate that the present misnomer Allen, by which the River Camel's tributary is known instead of by its correct name Laine, originally applied to the* Camel itself and was accurately rendered ALAN. As this River Alan or Camel twisted and turned, the Cornish epithet 'cam' meaning 'crooked' apparently prefixed not only the word 'heyle' meaning 'estuary' but also on occasion the name Alan. Thus, it would seem that the present name Camel is a corruption of one or both of the Cornish names for this river - Camheyle and CAMALAN. °
It might therefore be interesting to seek the required conditions in the Camel Valley.

Of six known stones in Cornwall which are inscribed in the Irish script copipri-sing unconnected strokes and called Ogham, five are on Bodmin Moor and three of these in the Camel area.

Should the sixth seem curiously remote from the others at Truro,

w© maybe forgiven for remembering that one of Arthur's reputed battle sites was on the'River Treuroit.

However and regarding names on the three Camel Ogham stones, that at St. Endell ion-which also bears the early ChristianChi Rho symbol, 'XP‘,the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ - commemorates 'Brocagnus', identified^with the Irishman Brychan

who arrived inCornwall via Wales. Both names on the WorthyvaleOgham ston© are Roman as is the one on the St. Kew memorial.x
An Irish incursion is certainly evident as is also a lingering Roman usage. Th© latter is hardly surprising in an area where Roman road stones at Boscastle and Tintagell and a 'camp of the legion' at Tregear have been found. Moreover, even AFTER the Roman cavalry station at Nanstallon meaning'Vale of Alan'was abandoned, it is apparent that agents of Rome used the most accessible route to and fromEngland across this north coast district at least as late as the fourth century when the Tintagel stone was inscribed. Ami, as some 300 years of contact with Roman custom appears to have influenced the local
Dumnonii so that they seemingly copied the Tregear shape when they built their earthwork at St. Kew, it might reasonably be expected that they would also emulate Roman strategy.
Properly rendered, Avalon is the Celtic word 'avallen' meaning 'apple trees' . Incorporated in several place names, it is included in the name Worthyvale which appeared as 'Guerdevalen1 in the Domesday Book showing that there was an Early English homestead by an orchard adjacent to the area known as Slaughterbridge at the head of the River Camel. In fact, this very district has been traditionally regarded as the setting of the final act of the Arthurian drama. Such regard, however, has lately been swamped in the scorn which has been poured upon the local name 'Arthur's Grave for the Ogham stone actually commemorating 'Latinos', upon reports of battle debris found there, and upon the Tintagel paraphernalia so that the mere whisper of Arthur's name in this part of Cornwall seems actionable under the recent Retail Descriptions Act'. Yet, when it is noticed that Worthyvale is virtually an isle amid streamlets and that the word slaughter, probably deriving from the Old English for'muddy', suggests thesurrounding land wasonce mire, it is hard not to suspect that there IS Avalon. It may seem immaterial that thewoods of Camlanand perhaps even Avaloncannot be seen for the trees of scepticism. However, the Camel Valley which has close on 900 yearsof popular and possibly justifiable identification with the Arthurian legend is largely dependent upon tourism. Surely time and money spent trying to prove Arthur elsewhere is notonly longoverdue, but might the more effectively be invested, in his traditional homeland where associations with him have yet to be CONVINCINGLY refuted'.
Time was when stories of Cornish saints were taken with the dose of salt reserved for thoseof the Arthurian and Tristan legends'. Not so now for the likelihood of essential events of both actually taking place is increasingly accepted. If the militancy of Christianity represented in the Arthurian and Tristan sagas very naturally predominated during the reassertion of Dumnonian tribalism after the Romans had gone, its civilising power was to settle it through the influence of saintly colonists-
Hitherto, the search for living spacehad motivated the movement of peoples, now it was the quest for souls and missionaries from Ireland, Wales and Brittany were to nurture the infant Christianity conceived here in Roman times. So many places on the map retain the names of these saints, the earliest of whom probably emanated from South) Wales where IItut had founded a monastic training school at LIantwit Ma jor in Glamorgan.
A reconstruction of possible events at Bodmin6could represent those in many a Cornish area during the fifth century. The Celts of Bodmin's hill fort, Castle Canyke, might have noticed the arrival of a stranger in the valley below them at the east end of the present Priory Park. Bearded and with the front of his head shaven leaving hair flowing long behind, the intruder would set about collecting stones and,wood which he would take to the spring. Soon he would build a hut, set up a roughly carved standing stone and surround these and his well with a piled-stone wall; and there he would fast and pray for forty days.*
Then he must have visited them, his psalm-book swinging from his waist and the bell on his spade-topped staff sounding his approach. His name was Gwrin, or Guron, and he had journeyed from Wales by sea The fasting and praying were to dedicate his 'Ian1 or monastic enclosure, the stone was a cross to signify a Christian foundation and the hut was his oratory from which he would evangelise the district and which might become his shrine after death. As the people took to him, Guron would celebrate the sail 

Cyfeirir ato yn y stori Gymraeg Culhwch ac Olwen
a all ddyddio o'r 11eg ganrif.
Mae'r stori'n disgrifio'r llys fel un yn Celliwig yn Cernyw

(yr enw Cymraeg ar Gernyw),
a elwir hefyd yn deyrnas Dumnonia gan gynnwys Dyfnaint modern.

"Tair Thrones Tribal Ynys Prydain" a lleoli un o'i lysoedd yn Celliwig: "Arthur fel Prif Dywysog yn Celliwig yn Cernyw, a'r Esgob Bytwini yn Brif Esgob , a Caradog Freichfras fel Prif Flaenor. "
Caradoc oedd ei brif flaenor yn y llys hwn a bod yr Esgob Bytwini neu Bedwin yn brif esgob.

Dyma un o'r triawdau cynnar a ddarganfuwyd yn Peniarth MS 54 sy'n adlewyrchu gwybodaeth a gofnodwyd gerbron Sieffre o Fynwy.
Aiff yr un triawd ymlaen i ddweud bod llysoedd eraill Arthur ym Mynyw a Phen Rhionydd.
Mae'r triawdau hefyd yn nodi bod Cellenig Mordred wedi taro ergyd i Gwenhwyfar.
Efallai bod hyn wedi arwain at Frwydr Camlann.
Y gerdd Gymraeg gynnar Pa foddaeth porthor?
Efallai hefyd fod Arthur yn ffigwr chwedlonol hefyd yn awgrymu bod y llys hwn yn hollol ffuglennol.
O ystyried bod yr enw yn golygu "rhigol coedwig ... efallai ei fod wedi'i ragweld yn wreiddiol fel rhywle arallfydol (llwyni cysegredig yn gyffredin yn y myth Celtaidd) a dim ond yn ddiweddarach y gallai lleoliad penodol fod wedi'i briodoli iddo." Soniwch am y llys.
Roedd Celliwig hefyd yn hysbys i'r Gernyweg hefyd, gan ei bod yn ymddangos fel Kyllywyc yn y ddrama iaith Gernyweg Beunans Ke, a ysgrifennwyd efallai tua 1500.
Yn Llawysgrifau Iolo (1843)

corpws o destunau Cymraeg ffug-ganoloesol gan y ffugiwr llenyddol enwog a dyfeisiwr traddodiad Iolo Morganwg (1747-1826),
Cyfeirir at Celliwig fel hen safle "gorsedd Cernyw" ond mae'r testun yn ychwanegu ei fod bellach yng Nghaervynyddawg (Caerfynyddog), safle sydd heb ei brofi fel arall.

Mae cofnod cyfreithiol Cernyw 1302 yn sôn am 'Thomas de Kellewik' o orllewin Cernyw,

er nad yw ei union fan tarddiad yn hysbys.
Dynodwyd Celliwig gan rai hynafiaethwyr Cernyw o 1816 ymlaen gyda Callington (a ardystiwyd yn lleol weithiau fel 'Callywith') lle mae henebion hynafol Cestyll Castlewich Henge a Cadson Bury yn agos iawn.
Rhoddodd eu dylanwad ei enw modern i Callington yn Common Cornish ; Kelly Bray
(Cernyweg: Kellibregh 'dappled grove')
wedi ei leoli ychydig i'r gogledd.
Awgrym arall ar y pryd oedd Kelliwith.
Ymhlith y lleoliadau eraill a awgrymir mae Coed Gweek ac ar yr arfordir yn Trwyn Tintagel Barras neu Willapark. Fe wnaeth Rachel Bromwich, golygydd diweddaraf y Triads Cymreig, ei baru â Kelly Rounds, bryngaer ym mhlwyf Cernyw yn Egloshayle.
Awgrymwyd hyn eisoes gan Charles Henderson yn y Cornish Church Guide (1925) (t. 87).
Yn ddiddorol ddigon,

mae Cosmograffeg Ravenna yn nodi anheddiad rhanbarthol mawr yn oes y Rhufeiniaid fel Nemetostatio yn Dua mnonicentral (wedi'i nodi â Gogledd Tawton, Dyfnaint)
a fyddai'n cyfieithu o'r Lladin fel 'The Outpost of the Sacred Grove (s)'.
Heb fod ymhell o ffin fodern Cernyw mae pentref Kelly yn Nyfnaint sy'n dwyn ei enw oddi wrth deulu lleol hynafol, wedi'i ardystio mor bell yn ôl â'r 11eg ganrif.
Y tu allan i Gernyw
Fodd bynnag, mae yna hefyd nifer o leoedd o'r enw Cernyw neu'n cynnwys yr enw hwnnw yng Nghymru,

ee yr enw lle Coedkernew (Coed Cernyw) yng Nghasnewydd.
Felly awgrymwyd y gallai'r llys hwn fod yn fryngaer Llanmelin, ger Caerwent.

Gan fod Caradog wedi'i gysylltu â Theyrnas Gwent gallai hyn gefnogi'r syniad hwn.
Mae yna hefyd fferm o'r enw Gelliweg ar benrhyn Llosg yng Ngwynedd y mae un pâr o ymchwilwyr ac ysgrifenwyr Arthuraidd,
Dadleua Steven Blake a Scott Lloyd, efallai mai'r lleoliad.
Celliwig fel lle ffuglennol
Y rhai sy'n dadlau bod
Bodmin Moor
gan Gorlas.

Ac mae'r Brenin a lofruddiwyd hefyd yn ôl traddodiad hefyd yn gysylltiedig â chaer arall tua hanner ffordd rhwng Duloe a Roche - sydd i'r de o Rostiroedd Bodmin a Goss
ar gyfer y cae lle saif Castell Dore o'r enw Carhurles sy'n golygu 'caer Gorlas'.

Mae'n ymddangos felly y gallai'r pennaeth fod wedi rhagflaenu'r Brenin Marc o saga Tristan yn y gwrthglawdd hwn y gwyddys iddo gael ei ail-feddiannu yn amser Gorlas ar ôl cael ei adael yn ystod y cyfnod Rhufeinig.
Gan dybio bod y cysylltiad traddodiadol rhwng

gallai'r sagas Arthuraidd a Tristan fod yn ffeithiol a bod y Brenin Marc DID yn olynu GORLAS ac yn dal y diriogaeth ddeheuol hon erbyn y chweched ganrif,
nid yn unig rhaid i barth Arthur o Camlan,
ffurf hynaf Camelot,
a dylid ceisio ei gadarnle Celliwic mewn man arall ond dylid ei gwneud yn ofynnol i'r ardal a awgrymir gyflawni rhai amodau er mwyn cyflwyno cynnig dichonadwy iddo'i hun.
Gan y byddai digwyddiadau Arthuraidd wedi digwydd ychydig cyn digwyddiadau saga Tristan,

dylai goresgyniad Gwyddelig fod mewn tystiolaeth ar gyfer prolog y saga yn darlunio’r Gernyweg wrth bennau boncyffion gyda thresmaswyr Gwyddelig ;

ac mae traddodiad marchfilwyr Rhufeinig hysbys yn hanfodol os ydym am gredu y gallai'r ardal arfaethedig gynhyrchu a
a gludir gan geffylau,
rhyfelwr wedi'i orchuddio ag arfwisg ynghyd ag ystyr Carlyon
'gwersyll y lleng'
yr oedd, yn ôl y sôn, gysylltiad ag ef.
Ar ben hynny,
efallai y byddai'r ardal a awgrymir yn cynnig ei hun yn fwy argyhoeddiadol pe bai'n gyfagos i'r llwybr hawsaf allan o Gernyw i hwyluso symud i fyny'r wlad i safle lle

Brwydr Badon

atal cynnydd ymddangosiadol Seisnig tua'r gorllewin.

Yn olaf,
dylem geisio Avalon ar gyfer y Brenin sy'n marw.

Mae'r enw lle Celliwic i'w gael nid yn unig yn y chwedl Arthuraidd ond hefyd,

fel yr amrywiad Caellwig *
yn hanes diweddarach Cernyw ac felly mae'n sicr yn ardal o'r sir ac yn un o'r Rhostiroedd mae'n debyg.
Er bod anghydfod ynghylch ei safle,
yr arwyddion yw y Caniateir iddo setlo yn y pen draw lle mae eisoes yn hofran rhwng caerau bryniau
96 35 32. 2

a Canyke-by-Callywith,
mae hynny yn Nyffryn Camel.

A gallai hyn fod er mawr siom i amheuwyr i Camlan hefyd fel petai'n gweddu i'r ardal hon. hefyd mae Siarteri yn dangos yn glir bod y camarweinydd presennol A | len, y mae llednant Rivoi Camel yn cael ei hadnabod yn lle wrth ei henw cywir Laine, a gymhwyswyd yn wreiddiol at y * Camel ei hun ac a roddwyd yn gywir ALAN. Wrth i'r Afon Alan neu'r Camel hon droelli a throi, mae'n debyg bod yr epithet Cernyw 'cam' sy'n golygu 'cam' yn rhagddodi nid yn unig y gair 'heyle' sy'n golygu 'aber' ond hefyd weithiau'r enw Alan. Felly, mae'n ymddangos bod yr enw presennol Camel yn llygredigaeth o un neu'r ddau o'r enwau Cernyweg ar yr afon hon - Camheyle a CAMALAN. °

Felly, gallai fod yn ddiddorol ceisio'r amodau gofynnol yn Nyffryn Camel. O'r chwe charreg hysbys yng Nghernyw sydd wedi'u harysgrifio yn y sgript Wyddelig copipri-sing strôc digyswllt ac o'r enw Ogham, mae pump ar Rostir Bodmin a thair o'r rhain yn ardal Camel. Pe bai'r chweched yn ymddangos yn rhyfedd o bell oddi wrth y lleill yn Truro, efallai y byddem yn maddau am gofio bod un o safleoedd brwydr honedig Arthur ar y'River Treuroit. Fodd bynnag, ac o ran enwau ar y tair carreg Camel Ogham, mae ïon St. Endell-sydd hefyd yn dwyn symbol cynnar ChristianChi Rho, 'XP', dwy lythyren gyntaf y gair Groeg am Grist - yn coffáu 'Brocagnus', a nodwyd ^ gyda cyrhaeddodd y Gwyddel Brychanwho i mewn iornorn trwy Gymru. Mae'r ddau enw ar y ston WorthyvaleOgham © yn Rhufeinig fel y mae'r un ar gofeb St. Kew.x
Mae goresgyniad Gwyddelig yn amlwg yn amlwg fel y mae hefyd yn ddefnydd Rhufeinig. Nid yw'r syndod yn syndod mewn ardal lle darganfuwyd cerrig ffordd Rhufeinig yn Boscastle a Tintagell a 'gwersyll y lleng' yn Nhregear. Ar ben hynny, hyd yn oed AR ÔL i'r orsaf wyr meirch Rufeinig yn Nanstallon sy'n golygu bod'Vale of Alan'was wedi'i gadael, mae'n amlwg bod asiantau Rhufain wedi defnyddio'r llwybr mwyaf hygyrch i ac o'r Ynys ar draws yr ardal arfordir ogleddol hon o leiaf mor hwyr â'r bedwaredd ganrif pan ddaeth y Tintagel arysgrifenwyd carreg. Ami, gan ei bod yn ymddangos bod rhyw 300 mlynedd o gyswllt ag arferiad Rhufeinig wedi dylanwadu ar y
Dumnonii lleol fel eu bod yn ymddangos eu bod wedi copïo siâp Tregear pan wnaethant adeiladu eu gwrthglawdd yn St. Kew, gellid yn rhesymol ddisgwyl y byddent hefyd yn efelychu strategaeth Rufeinig.
Wedi'i rendro'n gywir, Avalon yw'r gair Celtaidd 'avallen' sy'n golygu 'coed afalau'. Wedi'i ymgorffori mewn sawl enw lle, mae wedi'i gynnwys yn yr enw Worthyvale a ymddangosodd fel 'Guerdevalen1 yn Llyfr Domesday yn dangos bod cartref Saesneg Cynnar gan berllan ger yr ardal o'r enw Slaughterbridge ym mhen Afon Camel. Mewn gwirionedd, yn draddodiadol ystyriwyd yr union ardal hon fel lleoliad act olaf y ddrama Arthuraidd.
Fodd bynnag, yn ddiweddar, cafodd y fath sylw ei foddi yn y gwawd a dywalltwyd ar yr enw lleol'Arthur's Grave1 am garreg Ogham i goffáu 'Latinos' mewn gwirionedd, ar adroddiadau o falurion brwydr a ddarganfuwyd yno, ac ar baraphernalia Tintagel fel bod y dim ond ymddengys bod sibrwd enw Arthur yn y rhan hon o Gernyw yn weithredadwy o dan y Ddeddf Disgrifiadau Manwerthu diweddar '. Ac eto, pan sylwir bod Worthyvale fwy neu lai yn ynysoedd yng nghanol nentydd a bod y gair lladd, yn ôl pob tebyg yn deillio o'r Hen Saesneg for'muddy ', yn awgrymu cors wasonce tir amgylchynol, mae'n anodd peidio ag amau ​​bod IS Avalon.
Efallai ei bod yn ymddangos yn amherthnasol bod coed Camlanand, hyd yn oed Avaloncannot, i'w gweld ar gyfer coed amheuaeth. Fodd bynnag, mae Cwm Camel sydd wedi cau bron i 900 mlynedd o uniaethu poblogaidd a chyfiawnadwy â'r chwedl Arthuraidd yn dibynnu i raddau helaeth ar dwristiaeth. Siawns nad yw amser ac arian a dreulir yn ceisio profi Arthur mewn man arall yn hir-ddisgwyliedig, ond efallai y bydd yn cael ei fuddsoddi'n fwy effeithiol, yn ei famwlad draddodiadol lle nad yw cymdeithasau ag ef wedi cael eu gwrthbrofi eto '.
Amser oedd pan gymerwyd straeon am seintiau Cernyw gyda'r dos o halen wedi'i gadw ar gyfer y chwedlau Arthuraidd a Tristan '. Nid felly nawr am y tebygolrwydd y bydd digwyddiadau hanfodol y ddau yn digwydd mewn gwirionedd yn cael ei dderbyn fwyfwy. Pe bai milwriaeth Cristnogaeth a gynrychiolir yn y sagas Arthuraidd a Tristan yn amlwg iawn yn ystod haeriad llwythol Dumnonaidd ar ôl i'r Rhufeiniaid fynd, ei phwer gwareiddiol oedd ei setlo trwy ddylanwad gwladychwyr sant-
Hyd yn hyn, roedd y chwilio am spacehad byw yn ysgogi symudiad pobloedd, nawr yr oedd yn rhaid i eneidiau a chenhadon o Iwerddon, Cymru a Llydaw feithrin y Gristnogaeth fabanod a genhedlwyd yma yng nghyfnod y Rhufeiniaid. Mae cymaint o leoedd ar y map yn cadw enwau'r seintiau hyn, y mae'n debyg bod y cynharaf ohonynt yn deillio o Dde) Cymru lle roedd IItut wedi sefydlu ysgol hyfforddi fynachaidd yn LIantwit Ma jor ym Morgannwg.
Mae ailadeiladu digwyddiadau posib ym Modmin6could yn cynrychioli'r rhai mewn llawer o ardal Cernyw yn ystod y bumed ganrif. Efallai fod caer bryn Celtiaid Bodmin, Castle Canyke, wedi sylwi bod dieithryn wedi cyrraedd y cwm oddi tanynt ym mhen dwyreiniol Parc presennol y Priordy. Barfog a chyda blaen ei ben wedi'i eillio gan adael gwallt yn llifo ymhell ar ôl, byddai'r tresmaswr yn mynd ati i gasglu cerrig a, phren y byddai'n ei gymryd i'r gwanwyn. Cyn bo hir, byddai'n adeiladu cwt, yn sefydlu maen hir wedi'i gerfio'n fras ac yn amgylchynu'r rhain a'i ffynnon gyda wal gerrig pentwr; ac yno y byddai'n ymprydio ac yn gweddïo am ddeugain niwrnod. *
Yna mae'n rhaid ei fod wedi ymweld â nhw, ei lyfr salm yn siglo o'i ganol a'r gloch ar ei staff ar ben rhaw yn swnio'i ddull. Ei enw oedd Gwrin, neu Guron, ac roedd wedi teithio o Gymru ar y môr Yr ympryd a'r gweddïo oedd cysegru ei 'Ian1 neu gae mynachaidd, roedd y garreg yn groes i ddynodi sylfaen Gristnogol a'r cwt oedd ei areithyddiaeth y byddai'n gwneud ohoni efengylu'r ardal ac a allai ddod yn gysegrfa ar ôl marwolaeth. Wrth i'r bobl fynd ato, byddai Guron yn dathlu'r sa

artur wolfram for excalibur
artur wolfram for excalibur
There are two different stories of how King Arthur received his sword, Excalibur. The first is that he pulled it out of an anvil or stone slab (and by doing so confirmed that he was the rightful king of the land). The second is that he received it from the Lady of the Lake (and that he had to return it to her before he died).

Which one of these stories is correct? Or did King Arthur have two different swords that he got different ways?
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druid rule nature base
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who met christ
change of teacher
change of teacher
he said it and he is
he said it and he is
druids and nature
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mendip caves and wildlife
the auroch and druid rituals as described in roman literature
christmas or cold and dark and animal fertility
christmas or cold and dark and animal fertility
misteltoe and druid medicine
recent discoveries in devon
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change of landscape
change of landscape

"  Three Tribal Thrones of the Island of Britain  " and locate one of his courts at Celliwig:

 "Arthur as Chief Prince in Celliwig in Cernyw , and Caradog Freichfras as Chief Elder."
Caradoc was his chief elder at this court and that Bishop Bytwini or Bedwin was chief bishop.

This is one of the early triads found in Penarth reflecting information recorded before Geoffrey of Monmouth.

 in medieval British legend, corineous was a prodigious warrior, a fighter of giants, and the eponymous founder of Cornwall.

 St. Gerren,King of Dumnonia St. Constantine's son, Gereint rac Dehau or "Gerren for the South" was immortalised by Aneirin in his epic poem Y Gododdin. It tells of King Gerren's valiant death in 598, when the Celtic kingdoms under Kings Mynyddog Mwynfawr (the Wealthy) of Din-Eidyn (Edinburgh) & Cynan of Gododdin (Lothian) rode south to fight Saxon Bernicia against enormous odds at the Battle of Catreath (Catterick, Yorks). However, it seems that Gerren may have only been mortally wounded at the battle, dying some days later. While fleeing to Brittany to escape plague in Wales, St. Teilo was entertained by King Gerren at his castle of Dingerein near the village of Gerrans on the Roseland Penninsula. He promised the King, he would not die without taking communion from the saint. Teilo did not return for seven years, when his ship was greeted by Dumnonian courtiers who emplored him to hasten to the dying King's side. Gerren was overjoyed to see his friend's return. He received the host and died in Teilo's arms. Far away, in Brittany, St. Turiau, saw his soul ascending to heaven. His body, in full regalia, was placed in a great sarcophagus on a huge golden ship that slipped down "The Mermaid's Hole" and into the sea. He was then rowed across Gerrans Bay using solid silver oars and buried, ship and all, beneath the great barrow of Carne Beacon near Veryan. He waits, sword in hand, for the day when he will return to reclaim his Kingdom. Though excavated in 1855 no gold or silver, let alone a great ship, was found, only a small cist burial. Admittedly, the digging did only concentrate on the centre of the mound. The mermaid tunnel between the Dumnonian Royal Palace and the sea was said to have been rediscovered by a farmer in the 19th century. Gerren is revered as a saint at Gerrans parish church, at Magor in Gwent and at several sites in Brittany.

could have been a memorial stone to either 'Cnegumus son of Genaius' or 'Genaius son of Cnegumus'.AntiquitiesEvidence of early medieval habitation at Mawgan is in the form of an inscribed pillar stone, located at the meeting of three roads at the center of the village; it bears an inscription that is no longer readable, but based on an old drawing and a photograph taken in 1936 it could have been a memorial stone to either 'Cnegumus son of Genaius' or 'Genaius son of Cnegumus'. The date of this inscription is not certain beyond having been carved before the twelfth century.At Trelowarren is the estate of the Vyvyan family who have owned it since 1427. The Halliggye Fogou at Trelowarren is the largest in Cornwall. Trelowarren House has a complex building history: the original house is mid 15th century and there are later parts dated 1662, 1698 and ca. 1750 (further additions were made during the 19th century)

Roman Calstock
A curiosity for the historically inclined – it was always believe that there was really not much Roman presence in Cornwall. But in 2008, an excavation looking for traces of medieval silver mining found instead an enormous first-century Roman fortress near the Church at Calstock. There’s nothing much Roman to see there now, but the church is a pretty spot and you may like to drop by to see if you can spot any legionary ghosts, marching up the hill from the quiet mists of the river Tamar.

The site of Calstock Roman Fort probably dating from the 1st century AD. This is only the third Roman fort to have been found in Cornwall and the first with possible associations with Roman military interests in Cornwall's mineral resources. The site is located on a spur above the river Tamar near to St. Andrew's church in the parish of Calstock, Cornwall. It was found accidently by a team from Exeter University, as part of the larger Bere Ferrers Project, investigating the development of medieval silver mines in this area. A geophysical survey in 2007 revealed the outline of a Roman fort enclosed by two ramparts and two ditches. A number of anomalies were also revealed which may be associated with Roman metalworking. In 2008 a trial trench was excavated on the site which revealed details of the fort's defences. The fort measures circa 170m by 160m, with an internal area of circa 140m by 130m (1.82 hectares). This is much larger than the other two known Roman forts in Cornwall; Nanstallon (Monument Number 431370) and Restormel (Monument Number 432777). Two ramparts and ditches were uncovered. The outer rampart is approximately five metres wide and is constructed of clay and shillet from the digging of the ditches. The sides of the rampart were held together with timbers on both faces. Two ditches were uncovered between the inner and outer rampart with characteristic v-shaped profiles and square-cut bases which is typical of Roman military sites. They were 2.8m deep and approximately 3.5m wide. The outer rampart was also approximately five metres wide and the investigations show that it was capped with large sandstone rubble on the western and southern sides of the fort. Just outside this rampart a stone-lined furnace structure was excavated. Finds from it included Roman pottery, fragments of furnace lining and some ore and slag which suggest that Roman metalworking was taking place in the 1st century AD. A track leading into the fort was also identified.

Trethevy Quoit
OS grid ref:- SX 259 688
Imposing Trethevy Quoit, situated near to the village of St. Cleer on the south eastern edge of Bodmin Moor, is one of the best known of Cornwall's prehistoric monuments and is remarkably well preserved.
Also known locally as the Giant's House or King Arthur's Quoit, the monument measures over 15 feet high (4.6 Metres). The Quoit stands in a field at the back of some cottages.
The megalithic chamber, the largest in the country, sits on a mound which it is thought covered the lower part of the stones, acting as a ramp to aid access to the chamber during burials. It consists of six upright slabs of about three metres high (10 feet) which support a capstone measuring 3.7metres (12 feet) long. The rectangular chamber measures 2 x 1.5 metres.
A small portion of the front entrance stone is missing, it has been theorised that this was cut to provide an entrance into the chamber. A natural hole exists at its highest point.
The function of this hole remains an enigma, although there is speculation that it was used for astronomical observations. The chamber was used as a tomb between 1,800 and 1,200B.C. The western stone collapsed before 1850.
To reach Trethevy Quoit take the road South West to St Cleer from the Minions, passing a Cornish cross on the left and approximately one mile later take the road on the left to Darite. The site is signposted and a small parking area is provided. There is free access at all times.

Prehistoric Sites in Cornwall
Lanyon Quoit
Zennor Quoit

Nanstallon Roman Fort is thought to have been occupied from AD 65 to AD 79. It now remains as earthworks. The Roman military character of the earthwork on Tregear Farm was established in excavations between 1965 and 1969. This had been recognised in the 19th century from the many Roman objects of first century date ploughed up over many generations and listed by Iago. In the mid 19th century, the site was described as having very wide double ramparts which were gradually destroyed for field dressing and the eastern side ploughed out. Excavations have provided evidence for a 2.2 acre fort with turf revetted ramparts, timber angle towers, metalled roads and double gates. It is thought to have been too small to accommodate a complete auxiliary unit. It probably housed a detachment responsible for the supervision of lead and silver extraction. The principia was of unusual plan, very wide in proportion to its depth. Long halls were present on either side of the courtyard and a recessed entrance and portico were present at the front of the building. The Barrack blocks were rectangular in plan with no projecting officers' quarters or verandahs. There were larger rooms present at the end of each block.The compound adjoining the praetorum was defined by a timber fence. The yard was lightly metalled with post holes suggesting the presence of lean to sheds. One possible function of the compound was that of an ablutions block. This fort is only one area of three examples to have a double portal gate. The other examples include Baginton (Neronian in date) and Brough on Humber (Early Flavian). The dating evidence from coins and pottery suggests that Nanstallon Roman Fort was constructed late in the reign of Nero, certainly after AD 64, and withdrawal occurred during the reign of Vespasian (69-79) or very soon afterwards. The finds from the site have been donated to Truro Museum. In addition, flints found in the excavation are thought to date to the Neolithic or later.

Rivers and navigable creeks, p. 36. Tamar, Lynher, p. 38. Tide, or Tidi, p. 40. Seaton, ib.
Loo, or Eaft-Loo, ibid. ProfpoCt of Loo Bridge," ib. Duloo, or Weft Loo river, p. 41. fawy, ib.
Fal, 42, and it’s harbour. Hel, or Heyl river in Kerricr, p. 43. Lo or Low river in Kerrier, p 44.
Heyl in Penwith, ibid. Ganal creek, p. 45. River Alan, al Lamel, ibid. Wade navigable rivers in
may be made notbeneficial, p. 47. Subject: to obftrudtions, p. 49.
