Brass and Bronze.

So much similarity is observable in the modes of working in the different combinations of copper with other metals, that the same description will apply pretty accurately to all of them.

 In brass founding and working, for instance, the making of the moulds, the melting of the metal in furnaces, the casting and subsequent trimming and finishing, the rolling into sheets,  the drawing into wTire— all are conducted pretty nearly in the same way as for other metals. The making of

the brass itself is, however, rather a delicate operation.

This metal consists of about two parts of copper to one of zinc; the proportion not being exactly equal in all specimens. In the first place the copper is melted,

and poured into cold w ater, by which it is made to separate into small pieces varying from the size of a small shot

to that of a bean, and known as “ shot-copper.” The zinc is produced from a carbonate of the metal, called “ calamine;” this is broken into small pieces, heated

to redness in a furnace, reduced to a fine powder, and wrashed. Any quantity of the powdered calamine is then mixed with three-fourths of its w'eight of “ shotcopper,” and an amount of charcoal equal in bulk to both. The mixture is exposed to a strong heat in

earthen crucibles for several hours; at the end of which time the two kinds of metal have combined

together in a liquid state, and the charcoal has disappeared. The brass, formed by the union of the two

metals, is poured either into large fiat granite moulds, or

into smaller moulds of cast-iron, according as it is to be

afterwards rolled into sheets or cast into small articles.

Sometimes brass is made by the direct union of zinc

and copper; but this is a more difficult process than

when calamine is employed instead of metallic zinc.

Bronze, like bell-metal, is a mixture of copper and

tin, but the proportions depend partly on the purposes to wffiich it is to be applied, and partly on the

opinions of the maker or artist. Bronze is a term frequently applied to the metal used for cannon, as wrell

as for statues ; and under this designation the French

founders are said to employ, for cannon, a ratio of

100 copper to 11 tin. Cymbals contain 78 copper to

1 22 tin ; medals, 100 copper to about 10 tin ; statues

; (on Mr. Westmacott’s plan), gun-metal, with 30 per

I cent, of pure copper added to it.

The mode of proceeding in casting a bronze statue is

much the same in principle as that of casting large bells,

but with greater precautions in every part of the operation. The making of the original model belongs to

| the highest department of art; for it is here that the

; sculptor show's his consummate skill, by imparting to

! the lifeless clay almost a living expression : all beyond

this, although requiring a very high degree of care, is

still mechanical, and governed by mechanical rules.

annoyance and disappointment. A t length his labours

seemed to be nearly at an end ; his mould wras lowered

into the pit, the furnace heated, and the metal thrown

in. A t this time, while a violent storm raged

without, the roof of his study, as if to increase the

confusion, caught fire; but, though ill and harassed,

lie.still directed the wrorks and encouraged his assistants, till overcome by anxiety and fatigue he retired

in a raging fever to lie down, leaving instructions

respecting the opening of the mouth of the furnace

and the running of the bronze. He had not, he

says, been reposing very long before one came

running to him to announce evil tidings : the metal

was melted, but would not run. H e jumped from

his bed, rushed to his studio like a madman, and

threatened the lives of his assistants, who, being

frightened, got out of his way, till one of them, to

appease him, desired him to give his orders, and they

wrould obey him at all risks. He commanded fresh

fuel to be throwm into the furnace; and presently, to

his satisfaction, the metal began to boil. Again, how7-

ever, it appeared thick and sluggish, and refused to

run. He then ordered all the plates, dishes, and

other articles of domestic use in his house to be brought

to him, which he threw pell-mell on the metal; wrhen

it immediately became fluid, and the mould wras $pon

filled. Fie adds that he fell down on his knees, and

poured forth a fervent thanksgiving to Almighty

principles period bronze axe Celtic Oppidum