8. M E A D O W S A X I F R A G E .

{Saxifraga granulata.') M B

S a x ifra g e fam ily. T h e groups of la rge w hite flowers borne on sta lks up to a foot high stand out

in early summer above the tu rf of the dry banks on which the plant grow s. A few leaves spring from

the stem, but most form a rosette on the ground ; th ey are kidney-shaped w ith rounded lobes. T h e

roots bear numerous little tubers. {Photo: A . W. Dennis.')

9. G R A S S O F P A R N A S S U S .

(Parnassia palustris.)

S a x ifra g e family. In autumn the flow ers of this beautiful plant m ay often be seen in la rge

numbers on b o ggy ground or w et m eadow s; th ey are la rge and cream y white, borne singly on

s q u a re stalks 4 to 8 inches high. T h e leaves are smooth and heart-shaped, some clasping the stem s,

others form ing a rosette on the ground. (Photo: H . Irving.')